TracHub design

Author:Damien Lebrun
abstract:TracHub is plug-in to integrate GitHub with Trac. It tracks the activity of your repository and of its clone on GitHub.

We were looking for an issue tracker that would allow users to notify the rest of the community of their coding activity easily, simple by push their work to a public repository.

No traditional issue tracker supporting distributed version control systems seems have this feature (except maybe launchpad - but we didn’t fall in love with bzr or launchpad itself).

This plug-in is not yet deployed so we might discover later that our requirements or implemention are naive.

Use cases

  • Code browsing: redirect your GitHub repository.
  • Commit activity: any commit on your repository or one of its clone should appear on the time line page. If a user mention an issue number in the commit message, the time line entry should be link to the issue.
  • Patch submission alternative: if anybody posts of bug fix on its GitHub clone and mentions an issue in the commit message, a comment with a reference to the commit (with a link) is added to the issue
  • Issue fixed: If the commit landing on the main repository mentions a fix to an issue, the issue should be closed with a reference to the commit.


This plug-in can’t create a new version control controller conponent; it seems unrealistic to host a clone for every users wanting to contribute a bug fix, or to query each user repository via the GitHub API.

Instead it will use GitHub web-hook and save any commit info it receives from the web-hook post in the Trac database.

As a result, there will be dead link to commit that have disappeared (a clone have been removed or repository history have been rewritten.

Table Of Contents

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TracHub’s documentation

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TraHub models

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